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Test 1 Revision

Slide 1: Hardware Components

1. Give three firm’s names that manufacture CPU? P95

2. What is different between CD-R and CD-RW? P99

3. What are the computer input devices?

4. What is the different between Human-captured data and machine-captured data? Give an example for each of them? P100

5. Which one is better, human-captured or machine captured? Why? P101

6. What are the computer output devices?

7. There are two types of printer, which one you will choose for your firm? Why? P102

Slide 2: Software Components

1. What is the different between Personal computer (PC), server, and supercomputer?

2. What is the different between system software and application software?

3. What does the operation system do?

4. Give three examples of system software?

5. What are the benefits of prewritten application software?

6. Sort the following connections in term of the speed: Telephone modem (Dial up), DSL, ISDN? (start from the slower)

7. The data that transfer through internet calls packets, what is the definition of packet?

8. Who is hacker?

9. What can hacker does if he attacks a computer?

10. What is the computer virus?

11. What is the computer warm?

12. What can computer warm does if it infects the computer?

13. Give three examples of anti-viruses software?

14. What is the spyware? Give example of anti-spyware software?

Slide 3: Network types

1. What is the Network Interface Card (NIC)?

2. What is LAN?

3. What is MAN? Give an example of MAN network?

4. What is WAN?

5. What are the differences between internet and intranet?

6. How intranet differs from LAN?

7. What is extranet?

Slide 4: Computer and Windows XP Maintaining

It is not included in the TEST

Slide 5: Networking and Servers

1. “D:\Program files\Nero\menu.txt”

In the above directory, what is:

- Drive?

- Path?

- File name?

- File type?

2. Identify the kind of these file types:





3. Draw peer-to-peer network that consists of the following components: computer, laptop, printer, DSL modem, DSL router, and internet.

4. Draw client-server network that consists of the following components: computer, laptop, printer, DSL modem/router, server, switch, and internet.

5. What are the advantages of peer-to-peer network?

6. What are the disadvantages of peer-to-peer network?

7. What are the advantages of client-server network?

8. What are the disadvantages of client-server network?

9. What is the advantage of using Packet?

Slide 6: Microsoft word

It is not included in the TEST

Slide 7: Introduction to Information Security

1. What are the four objectives of information security?

2. What is cryptography?

3. How can a customer know his payment information is securely transmitted?

Slide 8: Information Security and Firewall

1. What is information security?

2. What is the information security management?

3. Information security management consists of four steps, what are these steps?

4. What is information security threat?

5. What is information security risk?

6. Access control is achieved by means of a three-step process, what are these steps?

7. What is firewall?

8. What is router?

9. What are the firewall types?

10. Where does the router position in the packet-filtering firewall? How the router works? Refer to the figure page 221

11. What is IP address?

12. What is the advantage of packet-filtering firewall?

13. What is the disadvantage of packet-filtering firewall?

14. Where does the circuits-level firewall install? P 221

15. What is the advantage of circuit-level firewall?

16. What is the disadvantage of circuit-level firewall?

17. Where does the application-level firewall locate? P211

18. What is the disadvantage of application-level?

Test format:

Multiple choices

True false

Fill blank

WH question


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