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Test 1

Section A: 22/11/2015
Section B: 24/11/2015
Section C:
Lecture 2 + Lecture 4
Test 2
Blog Assignment

Important Questions for Final exam:

  1. Khalid is a director of MIS department in his company, and he is requested to create Human Resource software that meets the organization needs. The company is able to pay huge amount for this software. Which type of application software do you recommend to Khalid to choose for this purpose: prewritten or custom? Explain why?
  2. Khalid is a director of MIS department in his company, and he is requested to create Human Resource software. The company is quite small and new. Which type of application software do you recommend to Khalid to choose for this purpose: prewritten or custom? Explain why? 
  3. If you are the network administrator of your company that consists of 9 computers. For designing the network, which type of design will you choose: peer-to-peer or client-server? Explain why?
  4. If you are the network administrator of your company that consists of 1800 computers. For designing the network with a level of security, which type of design will you choose: peer-to-peer or client-server? Explain why?
  5. If you are the head of IT department of your company and it has 30 computers and 30 employees, which printer type will you choose to operate the employee’s work: 1) local printer for each computer or 2) network printer for all computers? Explain why?
The answer of question 5 may vary among students. The selection depends on the budget, size and the privacy of the documents used by the company. For privacy reason, I would prefer to use local printer for each employee. However, if the budget of my company is low, then I will choose network printer for all computer. In network printer, all users can print from one printer. It will be cheaper compared with local printer for every user. In addition, for maintenance and troubleshooting, network printer is a good choice. This is because if the network printer got problem, then the IT technician will only fix only one printer. But if I use local printer for every computer, and if many printers got problems, then we need to fix many printers.

You can share your answers by posting your comments below:


Anonymous said...

dr. i didnt get ur point ((All other lectures are included in Final exam except the slides I mention during class that are not included.

Hashem said...

I mean that during class, I tell you to ignore some slides that is not important. So these slides is not included in Final Exam.

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot

Abdullah s a said...

Q1-I will choose network printer for all computer because it's less expensive to buy network printer for 20 computer. Q3- LAN with one building. CAN with one kilos meter. MAN with the city. WAN for globule. Q4- privet IP for one company users. Public IP for all people.Q5- RAM is as reeding momery only. Hardisk is as data store unity .standor slowly stale stores to current system status.

Hashem Alaidaros said...

Thanks Abdullah for your efforts, but your answer is very short not acceptable because it needs further explanation

Unknown said...
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Nizar Omar Daghistani said...

which slides are not included?

Talal Sultan said...

دكتور السلام عليكم
مافي تغيير في اهم اسئلة النهائي لهذا الفصل؟
طلال اليعيش

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